Posts by: Chip Foose

There are absolutely no rules when it comes to letting your imagination soar.

Now that the 2015 edition of the show has wrapped up there are a few things in particular that caught my eye.

I see two major trends: the move away from “cookie-cutter” cars, and the increased use of digital tools. Exciting times.

Here is the “make or break” equipment that helps me turn out unique head-turning hot rods at Foose Design.

This is what I would build, if I ever get the time to squeeze in a personal project.

We have to approach each component as if it were the only piece that was going to be judged

My own cars are not necessarily the most outrageous automobiles—but ones that mean something special to me.

It takes many steps to get from the mind's eye, to the drawing board, and then to the metal shop.

Overhaulin' was a never-ending whirlwind of projects, cars, and people—but I wouldn't trade the experience for the world.

I wasn’t introduced to car culture—I was born into it.